11/5/2012: Stories in Games, & Applying for the GDC's CA Position
Monday, November 5, 2012
During today's meeting, Dylan gave continued his talk from last week by talking about the strange design desicions behind Justine, the DLC for Amnesia. He then went on to talk about the place of story in game design.
The rest of our meeting was spent talking about the Games Developers Conference and sharing tips about applying for the CA position. Basically, Tyler's main advice was to remember that you're applying for a customer service position. In the application process, you only get 1500 characters to explain why you would make a CA, and talking about how great your game development skills are isn't going to be very relevant. What they want to see is that you're good with people and a dependable worker, but also why you really want to go to GDC in the first place.
We also talked about which passes are worth buying for the conference in case you don't win a CA position. For instance, the Student Pass ($75) is kinda a waste of money because that day is so crowded that you can't really make much use of it. The Expo Pass is what I got last year ($200) and it was pretty awesome and probably a really great choice for one's first trip to GDC.
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