
Game Night this Friday, November 30th

Once again, the GameDev Club is teaming up with the IEEE club to hold a game night! There will be food, and everyone is encouraged to bring their own games, snacks, TVs, computers, etc.
  • When: Friday, November 30, starting at 5:30pm until midnight.
  • Where: Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) building, room 105 (map below)

Important Info

  1. Please RSVP using this form: http://bit.ly/uagamenight.
  2. You can park for free in the parking lot by the ECE building (lot #3039) after 5:00pm.
  3. To drive to the Parking lot, you'll most likely have to get to 2nd St from Mountain Ave, because Park Ave is closed due to construction (see map below).
  4. The doors for the building, as well as the elevator, close at around 6pm, so call the IEEE room at 520-626-7324 if you're locked out. It's best to add that number to your contacts, just in case.
  5. In order to get to the bottom floor of the ECE building, please only use the South stairwell door, which will be left open.
  6. While we've never had any incidents before, the clubs are not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen valuables. It's generally good practice to label your things to make sure they don't get mixed up.
  7. In accordance to university policy, no alcohol, firearms, or weapons will be allowed.

University Map

Below is a map of where the ECE building is. To view the map in another window, click here.

View Larger Map


If you have any questions, send an email to Robbie, the chair of the IEEE, at laityr@email.arizona.edu, or to Livio, the president of the GameDev Club, at ldelac01@email.arizona.edu.

Remember that Livio won't be at the game night this Friday because he'll be in Seattle interviewing with Microsoft, so you should direct any urgent questions to Robbie.

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