10/27/2014 - Play-Testing
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
The IGF student competition has its submission deadlines at the end of this week, so Zuoming, Cindy, Tyler and Mark were here to let us play-test their game and get some valuable - pretty much last minute - feedback. All around there were spouts of frustration, glitches being found, sheep being pushed off cliffs (and garbage cans), and pizza being eaten. Hopefully the team can squash some of those bugs and most importantly, come up with a name for their game, before the deadline. Good luck!
Announcements: Read this excerpt from Cindy's wonderfully worded email about the workshop.
"So I know I wasn't very clear about what time the Rapid Prototyping Workshop was, but it will be Saturday, November 1stat around 4PM. I say around because I will be coming back from Seattle! So please bear with me! I'll bring you presents, hahaha. But if you are interested, you do not have to know how to code to attend this workshop! This workshop is CODE-FREE. I will supply assets for you and we will be building a game together. :)
To RSVP: http://goo.gl/forms/aDf5rOpk4l
To download Stencyl: http://www.stencyl.com/
And when the date gets closer, I will send you guys the assets that we will be using! We will be in ECE 105 for this workshop. Parking is free on weekends ( unless it's a game day... )."
Also, about the quickly approaching Game Jam!
"GAME JAM is coming around the corner! It's sneaking up on us like a wild animal on its prey... If you are interested in Game Jam, and now you know that you can go, please sign up! We need to know how much food to get for you guys, and how much space we need to accommodate.
Please RSVP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1D0hD7Dm9QfLJQ6L_-ZrcSlVyTOie4CrCZ-COismj0SU/viewform "
Hope to see lots of people at these two events!